
孙长庆,辽宁葫芦岛人。校长特聘教授。英国皇家化学会和物理学会会士。曾任职于新加坡南洋理工大学和天津大学。先后受湖南省和浙江省聘为海外专家以及吉林大学唐敖庆讲座教授。获颁夸瑞兹密一等奖、首届南洋科技创新奖, 并且两次入围新加坡总统科学奖等。担任多家期刊顾问编委。


著有双语《键合弛豫》《氢键规则》《水合反应》《计量谱学》。其中2部入选全球有史以来最佳21部物理化学专著和1部入选最佳100部材料科学专著。在Phys Rep, Chem Rev, Prog Mater Sci等期刊发表30余篇专述和500余篇论文。被引2.1万次,H指数77。自2019年连续入选全球顶尖千分之一最具影响力物理学者。





硝基炸药分子间与分子内耦合作用机制及其声子谱学特征 国自科面上基金 21875024 201912-202212

专述 [1-11]; 论文 [12-16];专著 [17-20]

[1] C. Sun, Y. Huang, X. Zhang, Z. Ma, B. Wang, The Physics behind Water Irregularity, Physics Reports, (revised PLREP-D-21-00093) (2022).

[2] Yong Zhou, L. Li, Y. Huang, J. Ou, W. Li, H. Fang, C.Q. Sun, B. Wang, Perturbative vibration of the coupled hydrogen-bond (O:H–O) in water, Adv Colloid and Interf Sci, 10.1016/j.cis.2022.102809 (2023).

[3] X.J. Liu, X. Zhang, M.L. Bo, L. Li, Y.G. Nie, H. Tian, Y. Sun, S. Xu, Y. Wang, W. Zheng, C.Q. Sun, Coordination-resolved electron spectrometrics, Chem. Rev., 115 (2015) 6746-6810.

[4] X. Yang, C. Peng, L. Li, M. Bo, Y. Sun, Y. Huang, C.Q. Sun, Multifield-resolved phonon spectrometrics: structured crystals and liquids, Prog. Solid State Chem., 55 (2019) 20-66.

[5] L. Pan, S. Xu, X. Liu, W. Qin, Z. Sun, W. Zheng, C.Q. Sun, Skin dominance of the dielectric electronic-phononic-photonic attribute of nanoscaled silicon, Surf. Sci. Rep., 68 (2013) 418-445.

[6] C.Q. Sun, Size dependence of nanostructures: Impact of bond order deficiency, Prog. Solid State Chem., 35 (2007) 1-159.

[7] C.Q. Sun, Thermo-mechanical behavior of low-dimensional systems: The local bond average approach, Prog. Mater Sci., 54 (2009) 179-307.

[8] C.Q. Sun, Oxidation electronics: bond-band-barrier correlation and its applications, Prog. Mater Sci., 48 (2003) 521-685.

[9] C.Q. Sun, Water electrification: Principles and applications, Adv. Colloid Interf. Sci., 282 (2020) 102188.

[10] C.Q. Sun, Y. Huang, X. Zhang, Hydration of Hofmeister ions (Historical Perspective), Adv. Colloid Interf. Sci., 268 (2019) 1-24.

[11] C.Q. Sun, Unprecedented O:⇔:O compression and H↔H fragilization in Lewis solutions, PCCP, 21 (2019) 2234-2250.

[12] 孙长庆, 旨在揭示物质与生命奥秘的计量谱学工程(观点), 科学通报, 64 (2019) 2667-2672.

[13] 孙长庆, 低维高温超导的启示:键收缩与电子双重极化 (观点), 科学通报, 67 (2022) 113-117.

[14] Z. Tong, W. Sun, C. Li, Z. Tang, Y. Huang, C. Yao, L. Zhang, C.Q. Sun, O: H-N bond cooperativity in the energetic TATB under mechanical and thermal perturbation, J. Mol. Liq., DOI (2022) 119169.

[15] Y.J. Shen, X. Wei, Y. Wang, Y.T. Shen, L. Li, Y. Huang, K. Ostricov, C.Q. Sun, Energy absorbancy and freezing-temperature tunability of NaCl solutions during ice formation, J. Mol. Liq., 344 (2021) 117928.

[16] L. Li, W. Sun, Z. Tong, M. Bo, K. Ken Ostrikov, Y. Huang, C.Q. Sun, Discriminative ionic polarizability of alkali halide solutions: hydration cells, bond distortion, surface stress, and viscosity, J. Mol. Liq., 348 (2022) 118062.

[17] C.Q. Sun, Electron and Phonon Spectrometrics, Springer Nature2020.

[18] C.Q. Sun, Solvation Dynamics: A Notion of Charge Injection, Springer Nature2019.

[19] C.Q. Sun, Y. Sun, The Attribute of Water: Single Notion, Multiple Myths, Springer-Verlag2016.

[20] C.Q. Sun, Relaxation of the Chemical Bond, Springer-Verlag2014.

共培养60 多名博士和硕士研究生,多人获颁校长特别奖;多数受聘高校和科研机构。


东莞散裂中子源 上海应物所光源 中国工程物理院

华东师范大学 深圳大学 湘潭大学 吉林大学
