Selected Publications

黄照文,工学博士,2020年博士毕业于南京理工大学材料科学与工程学院、纳米异构材料中心;随后加入(广东)东莞材料基因高等理工研究院任助理研究员进行研究;2021年加入东莞理工学院材料科学与工程学院、交叉科学中心进行博士后研究工作。在Inter. J. Plast, Mater. Sci. Eng. A, Mater. Charct. 等SCI期刊上发表论文10余篇,申请发明专利4项(已授权2项),主持国家及省级项目4项。

1、金属结构材料(钛及其合金、镁及其合金、316与304不锈钢、铜及其合金)的剧烈塑性变形(旋转加速喷丸、轧制等)相关研究。通过调整塑性变形工艺参数和热处理参数,制备具有不同显微结构的材料,使用不同的金属材料强化机制制备具有优异力学性能的材料。并结合力学性能测试、微观结构表征与计算模拟分析,深入研究材料微观结构及其力学性能之间的关系。在金属材料增强增韧方面,通过旋转轧制与热处理工艺制备抗拉强度达1.2 GPa的工业纯钛,且其拉伸断裂延伸率维持在10%以上;建立晶体局部应力模拟模型;提出具有普适性的高次孪晶转换及其孪晶变体选择机制;结合半原位轧制澄清孪晶对形成过程及其孪晶变体选择机制。


[1] 中国博士后科学基金第71批面上资助一等:多主元合金中应力诱导相变的动态异构强化效应(2022M710107),2022.06-2023.09,在研

[2] 国家自然科学基金-青年项目:多级孪晶结构钛变形机制及其强韧化研究(52101130),2022.01-2024.12,在研

[3] 广东省粤莞区域联合基金-青年项目:工业纯钛中多级孪晶结构制备调控及其强韧化机理研究(2020A1515110952),2020.10-2023.10,在研

[4] 江苏省研究生科研与实践创新计划项目:纯钛塑性变形行为及其性能研究(No.KYCX18_0415),2018.06-2019.06,已结题


[1] Zhaowen Huang, Shenbao Jin, Hao Zhou, Yusheng Li, Yang Cao, Yuntian Zhu. Evolution of twinning systems and variants during sequential twinning in cryo-rolled titanium, International Journal of Plasticity 112 (2019) 52 IF=8.5

[2] Zhaowen Huang, Pengling Yong, Yusheng Li. Grain size effect on deformation mechanisms and mechanical properties of titanium, Materials Science and Engineering A 773 (2019) 138721 IF=6.044

[3] Zhaowen Huang, Yusheng Li. Dislocation dissociation induces secondary twinning in titanium, Journal of Materials Science 55 (2020) 11679 IF=4.682

[4] Zhaowen Huang, Pengling Yong, Ningning Liang, Yusheng Li. Slip, twinning and twin-twin interaction in a gradient structured titanium, Materials Characterization 149 (2019) 52 IF=4.537

[5] Zhaowen Huang, Yusheng Li. Quasi in-situ investigation on the {112 ̅2} twin pair in cryogenic rolled Ti, Materials Characterization 163 (2020) 110237 IF=4.537

[6] Zhaowen Huang, Yang Cao, Jinfeng Nie, Hao Zhou, Yusheng Li. Microstructures and mechanical properties of commercially pure Ti processed by rotationally accelerated shot peening, Materials 11 (2018) 366 IF=3.057

[7] Zhaowen Huang, Donghui Wen, Xiaodong Hou, Yusheng Li, Biao Wang, Anding Wang. Grain size and temperature mediated twinning ability and strength-ductility correlation in pure titanium, Materials Science and Engineering A 849 (2022) 143461 IF=6.044

[8] Zhaowen Huang, Donghui Wen, Xionghua Jiang, Anding Wang, Yusheng Li, Yang Cao, Xiaodong Hou, Biao Wang, Yuntian Zhu. Additional dislocation slip determined excess yield stress in titanium, Materials Science and Engineering A (2022) Under revised

[9] Zhaowen Huang, Xiangwei Li, Donghui Wen, Qiujuan Guo, Anding Wang, Jiasheng Dong, Fengyu Kong, Xiaodong Hou, Yusheng Li, Biao Wang, Yuntian Zhu. Crack initiation and propagation dominated by strain localization in quasi-single crystal and poly-crystalline of a Ni-based complex concentrated alloy. Materials Characterization (2022) Under Review

[10] Jinfeng Nie, Fenghua Lu, Zhaowen Huang, Xia Ma, Hao Zhou, Cai Chen, Xiang Chen, Huabing Yang, Yang Cao, Xiangfa Liu, Yonghao Zhao, Yuntian Zhu. Improving the high-temperature ductility of Al composites by tailoring the nanoparticle network. Materialia 9 (2020) 100523

[11] Shijuan Dai, Yuntian Zhu, Zhaowen Huang, Microstructure and tensile behaviour of pure titanium produced after high-energy shot peening, Materials Science and Technology Doi: 10.1080/02670836.2015.1121598 IF=2.060

[12] Shijuan Dai, Yuntian Zhu, Zhaowen Huang, Microstructure evolution and strengthening mechanisms of pure titanium with nano-structured surface obtained by high energy shot peening, Vacuum 125 (2016) 215 IF=4.110

[13] Jiansheng Li, Bo Gao, Zhaowen Huang, Hao Zhou, Qingzhong Mao, Yusheng Li. Design for strength-ductility synergy of 316L stainless steel with heterogeneous lamella structure through medium cold rolling and annealing, Vacuum 157 (2018) 128 IF=4.110

[14] Jiansheng Li, Weidong Gao, Yang Cao, Zhaowen Huang, Bo Gao, Qingzhong Mao, Yusheng Li, Microstructures and mechanical properties of a gradient nanostructured 316L stainless steel processed by rotationally accelerated shot peening, Advanced Engineering Materials 20 (2018) IF=4.122

[15] Jiansheng Li, Shuaizhuo Wang, Qingzhong Mao, Zhaowen Huang, Yusheng Li, Soft/hard copper/bronze laminates with superior mechanical properties, Materials Science and Engineering: A 756 (2019) 213 IF=6.044

[16] Jiansheng Li, Chao Fang, Yanfang Liu, Zhaowen Huang, Shuaizhuo Wang, Qingzhong Mao, Yusheng Li. Deformation mechanisms of 304L stainless steel with heterogeneous lamella structure, Materials Science and Engineering: A 742 (2019) 409 IF=6.044

[17] 侯晓东,叶晋,黄照文,Paddea Sanjooram,张鹏,张书彦. 轮廓法测量残余应力研究进展,专题综述. 焊接 doi: 10.12073/j.hj.20220202003


[1] 一种便携式仪器化冲击压入仪,专利号:202110076931.X

[2] 一种用于提高盲孔法测量残余应力精度的方法,专利号:202011400194.6

[3] 超高密度孪晶钛及其制备方法,专利号:201811187137.7

[4] 一种非均质层状结构工业纯钛的制备方法,专利号:201711182464.9
